Sep 14, 2011

ADDITIONAL PENSION for having crossed 80 years of age

ADDITIONAL PENSION for having crossed 80 years of age
With effect from 1.1.2006, additional pension (as indicated below) is admissible to those
pensioners / family pensioners who have completed 80 years or more as on 1.1.2006

Age of pensioner/family pensioner           Additional quantum of pension
From 80 yrs to less than 85 yrs          20% of  revised basic pension / Family pension
From 85 yrs to less than 90 yrs         30% of  revised basic pension / Family pension
From 90 yrs to less than 95 yrs         40% of  revised basic pension / Family pension
From 95 yrs to less than 100 yrs       50% of  revised basic pension / Family pension
100 years or more                           100% of  revised basic pension / Family Pension.

The following procedure will be adopted by the Pension Disbursing Agencies
(PDA) for regulating this additional pension :
In case where the date of birth (DoB) is available in the PPO / pensioner's
records (ie., Descriptive Roll etc), the additional pension will be admitted
straightaway by the PDA. For eg., if the DoB is 12.4.1926, additional pension
@ 20% will be admitted from 1.4.2006 onwards.
In case where DoB is NOT available in PPO/pensioner's records, but age is
available in the PPO / pension records,  additional pension will be admitted
from the January of the next year.  For eg., if the age is shown as 36 yrs in the
PPO issued in 1965 (say S/2352/1965), then the pensioner would have completed
the age of 80 years in 2009.  Therefore additional pension at 20% will be admitted
from 1.1.2010.

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