Jan 11, 2015

Re-Marriage/Marriage Certificate – Family Pension

Indian Military Veterans

Re-Marriage/Marriage Certificate – Family Pension

In the case of widow recipient of family pension, no certificate of remarriage is required to be furnished by her. An undertaking will, however, be obtained from the widow at the time of commencement of pension to the effect that in the event of her re-marriage, she will report the fact to the pension disbursing office promptly with theremarriage/marriage Certificate
In the case of other recipients of family pension (a widower or an unmarried daughter), the Certificate of remarriage/marriage is required to be furnished by the recipient, at six-monthly intervals in the month of May and November.
In cases where the son or daughter of a Govt. Servant is suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him/her unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of twenty-five years is being continued to be paid family pension beyond the maximum age limit referred to above, under proviso to rule 54(6) of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, the person receiving the family pension as guardian should produce every three years, (in the month of November) a certificate from a medical officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon to the effect that the person continues to suffer from disorder or disability of mind or continues to be physically crippled or disabled. In such cases, the guardian shall be require to furnish certificate every month that he or she has not started earning his/her livelihood, and in case of girl, that she has not got married.

Re-Marriage/Marriage Certificate – Click Here to Download

Download the certificate from

Forms & Downloads  –> Pensioners –> Re-Marriage/Marriage Certificate

1 comment:

  1. These days, around half of all marriages end in divorce.

    That’s a pretty sad statistic... especially because so many of those divorces are preventable.

    In reality, many marriages end prematurely. Why? Well, there are two reasons.

    1.) Neither spouse knows how to prevent the passion, intimacy, and romantic connection from gradually fading away.

    2.) They make the 3 “Marriage Murdering Mistakes” that very few people know about... and sadly, these 3 mistakes can quickly drive your marriage into disaster and divorce.

    If you’re in this situation...

    If your marriage is dead-as-a-doornail...

    If you’re heading towards divorce, or even if you’re already at that point...

    Then a new video by marriage coach Brad Browning will show you how to stop the downward spiral and breathe some life back into your relationship. (Brad’s a freakin’ genius, by the way.)

    <== Begin Repairing Your Marriage *Today*

    I wish I could force every couple experiencing a marriage crisis to watch this new video... because the strategies Brad reveals in it are extremely powerful and might be the difference between “unhappily divorced” and “happily ever after”.

    The best part is that you can apply the techniques described in his video on your own... without your spouse even being aware that you’re making an effort to save the marriage.

    So don’t lose hope just because your partner refuses to attend marriage counselling, or won’t put in the effort to fix the problems that are slowly eating away at your marriage.

    > Watch the video now by clicking here <

    There’s no catch to this, and no marketing gimmicks… just a complimentary in-depth guide to saving your marriage.

    At the very least, you should watch the first few minutes where Brad reveals the ‘3 Marriage Murdering Mistakes’... these 3 massive myths alone are a huge reason why nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

    Don’t give up on love yet. Take action today and begin re-building your marriage... start by clicking the link below to watch the video now.

    > Watch the video now by clicking here <

    The techniques in the video have already worked for hundreds of married couples... and they’ll work for you, too. What are you waiting for?

    Here’s to a happy, healthy, and long-lasting marriage!

    Talk to you soon,

    - [[Lee H. Baucom]]


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