Sep 9, 2015


Dear Sirs, While you must be very sure that you are doing your best to help to resolve the ongoing problems of ESM and Veer Naris, but majority of us feel that you can do much more to resolve this confrontation between the ESM, Veer Naris and the Government. At least it is not apparent to us that you are doing your best to help us. We all are deeply disturbed with your attitude towards the current problem that ESM and Veer Naris are facing. It is a matter of great shame to the entire Indian Nation that today even Pakistan media and other countries media are talking of the Ex Servicemen and War Widows of India being on the road demanding justice. But do you realise Sirs, that such news in foreign media is a very serious aspersion on All The Chiefs of the Defence Services – Present and Past. Sirs, you all are very happily celebrating the 65 War functions – but don’t you get a feeling of guilt that those who fought and won the 65 War for India are sitting on roads and demanding justice??? What a shame!!! Sirs, three of you were present in Press Conference in South Block when the RM announced that very faulty OROP Press Release. Did RM show that Press Release to you and asked your opinion about it before announcing it? If yes, then how did you allow him to announce it? If he did not consult you – is it not an insult to you all? After the Press Release, did you talk to RM on the issues before the UFESM leaders approached the COAS and RM, regarding that very faulty Press Release? Our feeling is NO – you did not on your own objected to that faulty announcement – WHY??? Were you not worried about the ESM who were then on Fast Unto Death? All of them are 65 War Veterans!!! Sirs, Are you waiting for some more serious things to happen, before you take some steps to resolve the cheating the Babus are doing with your ESM and Veer Nairs??? Sirs, we do not know about your feelings, but we the ESM and Veer Naris are feeling terribly let down by our Present and Past Chiefs of the Three Services. You must be aware Sirs, that even many appeals signed in our blood have not been responded by The Supreme Commander – is that the respect India gives to the blood of its Ex Servicemen??? And who should be blamed for this disrespect to Soldiers’ Blood – obviously the maximum blame goes to our present and former Chiefs of the Three Services. Of which country we were borne and of who have been our Chiefs??? Sirs, the Independent MP Shree Rajeev Chandrasekhar is doing much more for us than the Present or Former Chiefs. Do you know Sirs, he has been working day and night, in close association with the ESM, for eight years or so and that he refused to draw his revised Pay and Allowances when they were last announced in the Parliament and said “Not Before OROP is granted to my ESM”. Sirs, the least you can now do is to dress up in your full ceremonial dress and go and thump the table (of course not literally) of The Supreme Commander. Please remind the Supreme Commander of his duties towards his most loyal citizens of India – the Serving and Retired Armed Forces Personnel and their families. Kindly ask The Supreme Commander to call the UFESM Leaders and listen to their side of the story as to how much blatant lies are being told by Babus and the “Housewife” and how they are fooling The PM and the Indian public. RM knows about the lies of Babus but probably his hands are tied by the faith PM has in FM and the Babus, including personal staff of PM. Is it not a pity that four Former Chiefs wrote a letter to The Supreme Commander and then ten more Former Chiefs wrote to him. To us it appears the Supreme Commander is still sitting quiet over those letters of the Former Chiefs. Is it not a severe insult to the Entire Defence Community? It is only when an RTI was filed by Cmde Lokesh Batra, by an email from USA, to the office of The President of India that some activity started up in the President’s office, which was reported in media also. It was reported in media that the President has asked the Government to brief him on OROP. But, can the Supreme Commander do justice by listening to one side of the story??? Did he call you to discuss the issue? He certainly did not call the Veterans to come and brief him. We are sure the Babus told blatant lies to the Supreme Commander also and misled him too. And, therefore, the Supreme Commander is not bothered about us. Do you call it Justice? Is he acting like OUR SUPREME COMMANDER?? NO HE IS NOT. Dear Sirs, kindly appreciate the game being played by the Babus!!! Babus are not allowing the UFESM leaders to meet the PM or the Supreme Commander, because they know fully well that all their blatant lies about, “legal issues”, “complicated calculation and arithmetic”, “very huge expenditure which India can ill afford” and “very time consuming administrative problems” will be exposed. The Babus have been cheating us right from Nehru’s time who stated on becoming Prime Minister that India does not need armed forces – “I can run the country with only police force”. Nehru had the audacity to announce that since we did not have an experienced military man we should ask the British to provide suitable military person to lead our armed forces. Very rightly, a military man present there, who had a strong spine said Sir we also do not have an experienced PM should we not ask the British to provide a PM – Nehru lumped it. And of course an Indian officer was appointed to lead the Armed Forces. Down gradation of Armed Forces in the Protocol, lowering of pay, allowances and pension, all this started happening on the instigation of Nehru. Sirs, Pakistan and China are lesser enemies of India; the biggest enemy of India is IAS. Pakistan and China shoots us from the front in our chest, but Babus stab us in our back and hit us below the belt in our stomach. Babus when they framed rule of Non Functional Upgradation Allowance, they did not talk of cost to the Indian exchequer; they never apprised the politicians that other services can also demand similar allowance. Knowing fully well that Defence Services are the only one who retire much before 60 years and are denied many fundamental rights which are allowed to common citizens of India by the Constitution of India, the Babus compare us and instigated the BSF, and other Police Forces to demand OROP. Dear Sirs, we know that this email in spite of being termed as “Most Humble Appeal” will hurt you deeply but do you realise Sirs, how deeply hurt are your Ex Servicemen and Veer Naris due to your pathetic approach to our problems??? Of course the blame does not go only to you three, the Present Chiefs, but the blame goes to All Your Predecessors also. Please Sirs, do something and do it immediately before the agitation takes a dirty turn which UFESM leaders may not be able to control. The ESM, in particular the hot blooded Punjab ESM, will keep the military ethics aside if you do not act fast. The situation that may arise will be extremely disgraceful to Indian Soldiers and the Entire Indian Nations. We will be put to great shame in the World. Please move and move fast. Be aware of the dirty trick being played by the Babus and Politicians, including very senior ESM politicians trying to divide the ESM officers, JCOs, NCOs and OR. An emissary of a very senior ESM Politician has spoken to a UFESM leader and told him to withdraw the present agitation forthwith; otherwise he will be sorted out. I do not wish to make a public statement as to what should be done with that senior ESM politician. Politicians and Babus are sending dirty messages on all the social medias against the ESM, in particular the UFESM leaders. Please do not test our patience any more. And before I close this humble appeal to you, I wish to inform you that "REPORT MY SIGNAL" is an email service started in mid 1998 on the inspiration given by Lt Gen Harbhajan Singh, Former SO-in-C and late Brig V Sundaram of Signals. "REPORT MY SIGNAL" is a One Man Army, run by a retired soldier, devoted to the cause of Armed Forces Veterans and Families. In 1998 it started with just 26 Signals officers on its emailing list; most of those were from Delhi and Chandigarh. Today "REPORT MY SIGNAL" has over 3000 members spread over 17 countries, all Ranks and families of the Three Services. The membership is free and open for All Ranks and Families of the Three Services (retired personnel only). The regular emailing list of "REPORT MY SIGNAL" includes three Former COAS, six Former CNS, two Former CAS, very large number of Army Commanders and equivalents from the Three Service and few VCOAS, DCOAS and equivalent. MOST HUMBLE APPEAL TO FORMER CHIEFS ON THE EMAILING LIST OF "REPORT MY SIGNAL" Dear Sirs, The letter written by four Former Chiefs and then by ten more Former Chiefs to The Supreme Commander does not seem to have moved the Supreme Commander or the Modi Government. Are you going to leave it that? Please Sirs, While the Serving Chiefs may be under some constraints you are not. You are free to choose any course within the limits of Services’ Ethics. We the ESM feel that you can do much more than what has been done by you so far. Kindly do appreciate that while the present situation is a disgrace to entire Indian Nation but the maximum blame for this situation goes to our present and Former Chiefs. I am sorry to state this but this not my feeling – it is the feeling of entire ESM community and Veer Naris. I am sure you are aware of it. Before I close this email, I most sincerely apologise to all the Chiefs, Present and Past, for hurting their feelings, but kindly appreciate I am receiving emails in many hundreds every day and the ESM and Veer Naris are showing their utter disgust that the Chiefs are doing nothing for them. With my profound regards to All The Present and Former Chiefs of the Armed Forces. JAI HIND. In service of Indian Armed Forces Veterans & Families Chander Kamboj Copy to All Members on the Regular Emailing List of "REPORT MY SIGNAL". Dear Veterans and Veer Naris, Many of you have been writing to me emails full of anger and some of you have been crossing the Military Ethics. This is the maximum I could have done. I am sending this email on the official email ID of the Three Serving Chiefs. I am sure many of you may be one to one with them. So please forward this email on their personal email IDs. May I now request you to hold your horses and kindly wait till our Present and Former Chiefs try and resolve the pending issues, first of all OROP, in accordance with Military Ethics. Of course, as we all know, Military Ethics does not mean just saying YES SIR. With regards to you all – Chander Kamboj ============================================= POST SCRIPT – An appeal to Cmde Lokesh Batra and UFESM Leaders – Please file an RTI application at the earliest and get the copies of notings on files and letters exchanged between MoD and Ministry of Finance regarding grant of OROP. Let us see the “arithmetic” according to which, if OROP is granted to Armed Forces, Indian economy will go the Greece way. Let us expose the blatant lies of these Babus and the “Housewife” to the Indian Nation. Please also file an RTI about NFU and get the figures of amount of money which the Indian Government has paid to the Babus and also get an estimate of the amount Government will have to pay to the other Central Government officers for NFU after the Delhi HC Order. Mera Bharat Mahaan – Jai Bharat. (SOURCE- VIA - GP E-MAIL FROM "Vaidun Vidyadhar Veteran)
Thanks to Ex-servicemen welfare blog

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