Jul 25, 2016

Full pension arrears are to be calculated for Sepoy of group Y with 15 years’ service.

Let me explain how full pension arrears are to be calculated for Sepoy of group Y with 15 years’ service. By general understanding Arrears = what you are supposed to get - what you got. 7. With the judgment of hon'ble Supreme Court now all Sepoys to Havidlars and JCOs & Officers who could not complete 33 years' service will get full pension. This is applicable only for pre - 2006 retirees. Post - 2006 retirees do not have this restriction of 33 years to get full pension. 8. Periods of Arrears. Pension has been enhanced three times for JCOs & OR. (i) From Jan 2006 to Jun 2009. First it is was enhanced in Jan 2006 by Circular 397 and further enhanced by Circular 547. For example for a Sepoy of Group Y, it is was Rs 3500 for those retired till 09 Oct 1997 and Rs 3748 for those retired later than 10 Oct 1997 in Circular 397 and it was enhanced to Rs 3883 by Circular 547. So increase in pension or arrears is Rs 383 per month + DR from Jan 2006 to Jun 2009 for those retired till 09 Oct 1997 and Rs 135 for those who retired w.e.f 10 Oct 1997. Very small enhancements in pension amount + DR for every six months. Most of the JCOs and OR including family pensioners have already been paid this arrears in 2015. (ii) Jul 2009 to 23 Sep 2012. Pension of JCOs & OR again was increased w.e.f Jul 2009 vide Circular 430. The pension of Sepoy of Y Group with 15 years' service has gone upto Rs 4603 pm + DR. (iii) W.E.F. 24 Sep 2012. Pension of JCOs & OR was again enhanced vide Circular 501. Sepoy of Group Y with 15 years' service was fixed pension of Rs 5102 + DR per month. 8. How to work out Arrears for Sepoy Group Y with 15 years' service?. It is very simple. He also got arrears from Jan 2006 to Jun 2009 as given out by Circular 547. His pension was pro-rata reduced pension because he could not serve for 33 years including rank weightage. He gets 10 years rank weightage and his total qualifying service therefore comes to 15+10 = 25 years. Had he served for 33 years he would have got full pension. Full pension is given in Fitment table of SAI 1/S/2008. We are concerned with two scales of this fitment table. Minimum and Maximum as these have very important bearing on the pensions of JCOs & OR. The fitment table shows the following at Appendix F of SAI 1/S/2008 :- 5thCPC Scale Rs 3205-70-4300 6th CPC Scale : Rs 5200 – 20200; Grade pay = Rs 2000 and MSP = Rs 2000 Minimum of Pay Scale: Rs 3250 (first year of service) Pay in Pay Band = Rs 6205 Grade Pay = Rs 2000 MSP = Rs 2000 Total = Rs 10,250 Maximum of pay scale Rs 4300 (15th Year of service) Rs 8000 2000 2000 Rs 12,000 9. Minimum of Pay Scale. The pension w.e.f Jan 2006 to Jun 2009 was fixed in Minimum of pay scale for JCOs & OR. For Sepoy of 15 years with Gp Y it is = 0.50 x 10250 = Rs 5125 per month +DR. This is his full pension. Since he served for 15 years and with rank weightage of 10 years his pro-rata reduced pension = Rs 5125 x (15+10)/33 = Rs 3,883. This is what you have to understand the significance of Minimum of pay scale. 10. Arrears from Jan 2006 to Jun 2009.. Since the Sepoy has to get full pension arrears are = 5125-3883 = Rs 1242 +DR from Jan 2006 to Jun 2009 11. Arrears from Jul 2009 to 23 Sep 2012. The Govt of India in Circular 430 fixed pension of JCOs & OR at Maximum of pay scale i.e. Rs 12000 x 0.5 = Rs 6000. This is full pension of a Sepoy of Gp Y with 15 years’ service. But he put in only 15 years’ service with rank weightage his pro-rata reduced pension is fixed at Rs 6000 x (15+10)/33. Arrears are Rs 6000 – 6000 x (25/33) = 6000 x (8/33) +DR from Jun 2009 to 23 Sep 2012. 12. Arrears w.e.f. 24 Sep 2012. Govt of India made two concessions. First is the rank weightage has been increased by 2 years to Sepoys to Havildars and maximum service to get full pension has been reduced to 32 years. Pension has been fixed at Maximum of the scale. So the arrears are = Rs 6000 – 6000 x (15+12)/32. = 6000 – 6000 x (27/32) = 6000 x 5/32 + DR from 24 Sep 2012 onwards. 13. Table for Arrears for Full Pension for Pre – 2006 Sepoys of Y group with 15 years’ service. Attached in MS Excel worksheet. regards, Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd) 9493191380

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