Dec 2, 2016


Many Family pensioners are approaching us and seeking clarification whether they are eligible for benefit as per cir 568 .
As per 6th Pay Commission, the Pensioners/ Family pensioners are eligible for Pension not less than 50%/30% of emolument/ fitment Tables w.e.f 1-1-2006..
The Pensioners were being paid at Prorata basis instead of 50%. Hence, they are now eligible for 50% of Fitment Table as per CDA cir 568. Bur , the Family pensioners were already being paid at 30% as per 6th PC, cir 397, 453 ect.

Again , FAMILY PENSIONERS were paid differential amount if any between 502 and 453 as per CDA cir 547 and 548.. HENCE THERE IS NO BENEFIT FOR THEM AS PER THIS CIR 568. We are giving you 2 Examples :

(1) Say for a Rank of Havildar, Group- B/Y 20 yrs of Service - a Pre- 2006 . Family pension- Minimum Rate as per Cir-568 - 3500. As per Cir 547/ 548……………..3500. No difference As per Cir 430,,, Not applicable As per Cir 502…………………3872…Paid More than Minimum As per OROP-Cir 555 ………. 4677.. Paid More than Minimum. SO NO BENEFIT./ NO ARREARS.

(2) Say a Subedat- Group-B/Y….28 yrs of service - Pre-2006. Family pension- Minimum rate as per Cir 568….5664. As per Cir 547 / 548…………….5664… No difference As per Cir 430 not applicable As per cir 502……………………7182 paid more than minimum As per OROP Cir 555……….. 7361 Paid more than minimum.

Bur they are eligible for Life Time arrears, if their husbands died between 1-1-2006 to 30-6-2014 or later .
This is for information for Family pensioners.

Dear veteran brothers, please guide the families in your areas.

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