Dec 19, 2019

Bank is responsible to obtain Periodical Certificates from Pensioner/Family Pensioner: CPAO

Bank is responsible to obtain Periodical Certificates from Pensioner/Family Pensioner: CPAO.

वित्‍त मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF FINANCE
केन्‍द्रीय पेंशन लेख कार्यालय CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE
त्रिकूट-II भीकाजी कामा प्‍लेस TRIKOOT-1, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE,
नई दिल्‍ली NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Life Certificate/2 Vol-V/2019-20/ 159

Dated 13.12.2019


Attention is invited to Para 3 (xix) of OM No.1(7)/DCPS(NPS)/2009/TA/221 dated 02.07.2009 and subsequent corrigendum No. 1(7)/DCPS(NPS)/2099/TA/295 dated 27.05.2013 issued by O/o the Controller General of Accounts, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for submission of the requisite certificates by the Pensioners/Family Pensioners covered under NPS-Additional Relief Scheme (NPS-AR) wherein it is mentioned that

“The Pension Account Holding Bank will be responsible for obtaining periodical certificates such as Life Certificate, Re-employment Certificate, etc. (as prescribed in CPAO’s Scheme for “Payment of Pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners through Authorised Banks”) and intimating electronically to CPAO on due dates. (Life Certificate should be obtained on 1st November each year and intimation uploaded on CPAO’s website.) Drawing of pensions/family pension will be subject to the receipt of Life Certificate by CPAO”.

2. This office is receiving Grievances from Pensioners/Family Pensioners covered under NPS-AR wherein it is stated that some Pension Account Holding Banks are not receiving periodical certificates such as Life Certificate, Re-employment Certificate, for onward transmission to CPAO electronically (through email) on due dates which results in delay in crediting the pension into the pensioner’s account by CPAO.

3. All the Heads of CPPCs/Government Business Departments are requested to direct the concerned Branches of their Bank to obtain the requisite certificates, i.e. as Life Certificate, Re-employment Certificate, etc from the pensioners and intimate electronically (through email) to CPAO on due dates for making timely payment of pension and family pension to pensioners under NPS-AR Scheme.

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions).

Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari
(Dy. Controller of Accounts)


  1. Heads of CPPCs of all Authorized Banks
  2. Heads of Government Business Divisions of all Authorised Banks


Read Orders/OM issued by CPAO

Source: Click here to view/download the PDF

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