Apr 26, 2022

One more extension to the timelines for finalization of APARs for the year 2020-21 upto 30.04.2022

Indian Military Veterans

Extension of deadline for the date of Finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS


No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23(Part)

New Delhi, dated: 21.04.2022

The Principal Chief Personnel Officers
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Extension of date of Finalization of e-APAR of 2020-21 through HRMS – reg.

Ref: Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/23 dated 16.03.2022

May please refer to Board’s letter of even no. dated 16.03.2022 cited above wherein the deadline for completing all the processes of APARs for the year 2020-21 was extended upto 15.04.2022 as a last opportunity.

2. It is constrained to point out that despite extension of deadline several times, around 47000 APARs are still pending with reporting and subsequent stages for finalization. The detailed position with respect to pending APARs zone wise is enclosed as Annexure-A. The delay in finalization of these APARs is creating problems for concluding the process relating to APARs for the year 2020-2) and may also hamper timely completion of various processes such as finalisation of promotions,/MACP etc.

3. Considering these factors, it has been decided to grant one more extension to the timelines for finalization of APARs for the year 2020-21 upto 30.04.2022. It is advised that all the PCPOs may personally monitor the completion of these pending APARs and ensure compliance by 30.04.2022.

Encl as above

(V.G. Bhooma)
Principal Executive Director/HR
2nd floor, Room No.202, Railway Board
Tele; 011-23047174

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