Sep 6, 2022

PCDA – Compulsory retirement pension or compassionate allowance after compulsorily retirement/dismissal/ removal from service

Indian Military Veterans

Revision of pension/family pension in respect of pensioners drawing compulsory retirement pension or compassionate allowance after compulsorily retirement/dismissal/ removal from service

O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadighat, Allahabad – 211014
Tele. : 0532-2421877, 2421879, 2421880, 2421110, 2422555. Fax : 0532-2421869, 2423549
Call Centre No.(Toll free)-1800-180-5325 (Timing-9:30 AM to 6:00 PM)

Circular No. C- 220

No. G1/C/MISC/Vol-X/Tech
Dated: 31.08.2022

(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)


Subject: – Revision of pension/family pension in respect of pensioners drawing compulsory retirement pension or compassionate allowance after compulsorily retirement/dismissal/ removal from service – regarding.

Reference: – GOI, Min. of P, PG&P , Dept. of P&PW OM NO. 45/86/97P&PW(A) Pt. V dated 2503.2004
This office important circular no. 82 dt. 12.10.2011, & circular No. C-164 dt. 30.05.2017.

1. Attention is invited to above cited OM/circulars wherein instructions were issued for non applicability of GOI, Min. of P, PG&P , Dept. of P&PW, OM NO. 45/86/97- P&PW (A)Part III, dated 10.02.1998, OM No. 45/10/98-P&PW (A) dated 17.12.1998, OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 01.09.2008 & OM NO. 38/37/2016-P&PW (A) dated 12.05.2017 to Pre 1996, Pre-2006 & Pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners in cases where pensioners were drawing compulsory retirement pension or compassionate allowance, for the purpose of revision of pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.1996, 01.01.2006 & 01.01.2016.

2. Now, GOI, Ministry of P, PG & P, Deptt. of P&PW have issued further orders under their OM No. 38/46/2017-P&PW(A) (4879), dated 14.06.2022, which is self – explanatory and is enclosed for guidance and necessary action. The salient points of ibid OM are given in succeeding paras:-

3. GoI, has now decided that the provisions contained in the OMs No. 45/86/97- P&PW(A)- Part – III dated 10.02.1998 and 45/10/98- P&PW(A)- Part – III dated 17.12.1998 regarding revision of pension/family pension after 5th CPC, para 4.2 of OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 01.09..2008 (as amended/clarified from time to time) regarding revision of pension/family pension after 6th CPC and OM NO. 38/37/2016- P&PW(A) dated 12.05.2017 regarding revision pension/family pension after 7th CPC by notional fixation of pay, would also be applicable for revision of pension/family pension in respect of pensioners who were drawing compulsory retirement pension or compassionate allowance. Accordingly, pension/family pension of such pensioners shall be revised w.e.f. 01.01.1996, 01.01.2006 and 01.01.2016 in accordance with aforesaid orders issued for revision of pension of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners, respectively.

4. In cases where compulsory retirement pension or compassionate allowance was sanctioned at a rate which was less than full pension, the revised pension computed as per aforesaid OMs would be proportionate to the reduced initial pension/compassionate allowances which was sanctioned on compulsory retirement/dismissal/removal. In other words, the revised pension/compassionate allowance computed as per aforesaid OMs would be reduced by the same percentage by which the initial pension was reduced at time of sanction of pension/compassionate allowance on compulsory retirement/dismissal/removal. In cases where the compulsory retirement pension was given in full without any reduction, the revised pension computed as per the aforesaid OMs would also be given in full without any reduction.

5. There will be no reduction in the amount of family pension computed as per the aforesaid OMs in any case, including in cases where the amount of initial compulsory retirement pension/compassionate allowance was less than full pension.

6. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of Department and Pay and Accounts Office (PAO) attached to that office from which the Government servant had retired or was working last before his death to fix the pay as on 01.01.2016 in respect of pre-2016 Defence Civilian pensioners/family pensioners in accordance with existing rules/Govt. orders. In the annexed proforma of LPC-Cum-Data Sheet, the claim will be forwarded along with all concerned documents by the H.O.O/H.O.D to PCDA (Pension) Allahabad after getting it vetted from PAO/LAO attached. In addition of LPC–Cum Data Sheet duly completed in all respect , following documents may invariably be enclosed along with the claim:- 1. Copy of original PPO and subsequent all Corr. PPOs earlier issued to the pensioner 2. In case of death, Copy /Date of death of the pensioner with death certificate. 3. Current PDA details.

7. HOOs may endeavor to mention Pay scale at time of retirement. Notional Pay scale & Notional Pay Scale as on 01.01.1986 in case of pensioners who were retired prior to 01.01.1986, Notional Pay scale/Pay scale as per 5th CPC, 6th CPC and 7th CPC, Aadhaar no., Mobile no., PAN no., E Mail Id of pensioner / family pensioner or spouse in the LPC-cum- Data Sheet, if readily available. In case these details are not available, efforts may be made to obtain these details from the Pensioner / family pensioner / Spouse and subsequently propose amendments though use of LPC-cum- Data Sheet for issue of Corrigendum PPO.

8. In view of the foregoing, Head of Departments are requested to issue suitable instructions (along with copy of this circular) to all the Head of Offices under their administrative control to ensure that claims on the subject matter are floated in accordance with clarification given in above Paras without delay. It is further requested that HOD’s may evolve suitable mechanism to monitor progress in forwarding of LPC- cum-Data Sheet by their sub offices functioning as on Head of Office.

(R K Gupta)
Asstt.. CDA (P)


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