Proposed Bank strike of 7th January'15 deferred. - Indian Military Veterans

Jan 6, 2015

Proposed Bank strike of 7th January'15 deferred.

Outcome of today's(6th Jan) negotiations between IBA  and Bank Unions(UFBU)
 IBA improved the offer to 12.5% today. Talk will continue tomorrow.
 Proposed Bank strike of 7th January'15 deferred.
News Courtesy : Mr Mohan P 

All India Bank Employees Association General Secretary C H Venkatachalam said negotiations would continue tomorrow as the unions have not agreed to the improved offer.

"We will continue to negotiate for further improvement in the wage revision with the IBA," Venkatachalam said.

The wage revision of public sector bank employees has been due since November 2012.

"We have scaled down our demand from 25 percent to 23 percent (wage hike) and further to 19.5 percent. We want a respectable hike in line with inflationary pressure," Ashwini Rana, General Secretary of National Organisation of Bank Workers, said.

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