Sep 10, 2016


As received.

With Respect to the last para of the trail mail, I would like to quote. Few statements which has been made by the CGDA and PCDA pensions during pension adalat at Parvanoo . Due to quoted as understood by some veteran who had attended the meet there. A statement as such made by CGDA certainly carry a lot of prior inputs to us and There is a rethink on the date on which the basic is to be taken (is it 1/1/2006 or is it Jul 2014/31 Dec 2015 for deriving the new pension as per 7CPC wef 1/1/2016. From the CGDA's statement itself it comes out that the multiplication factor (FF) of 2.57 has to be changed to 2.89 for accommodating the OROP basic in the 7CPC implementation . This gives us food for thought and few more bashings on inevitables/virtual realities : Read through a fwd on CGDA/PCDA discussions at Parvanoo quoted below : Message as received. Message as received is received is forwarded. Today I went to Tarn Taran to attend the pension adalat. It was possibly the first time the highest ranking officers came. It was organised by 7 Inf Div. The CGDA, Mr Kohli who belongs to Naushara Pannuan, about 15 km from Tarn Taran. CGDA (PENSIONS) and CGDA WESTERN COMD were present. Had an opportunity to spend 20 minutes with the CGDA. Issues discussed as under. 1. 7 CPC pension award. Most, including myself were under the impression that our pensions go up by 2.57 times the pension as on 31 Dec 15. The CPC award is 2.57 times 01 Jan 2006. Now this works for civilians. Not for Faujis. I was left clueless. Anyway the MoD and MoF are in the final stages of resolving the complication. According to him if we are to get the equivalent of 2.57 times as for civilians we should get 2.89 times of 2006 pension. Hence the problem. 2. 33 Year pension case is also having similar problems for us. Civilians have no problems because their pay is based on pay bands and pensions also accordingly. In our case earlier last 10 months average and after 2006 pay in last rank or last pay drawn. To be honest i wish I had deeper knowledge of these complicated issues. However this is in the final stages of govt approval. The tables will again take time at cgda. Reason we got increases in 2006, 2009, 2012 and OROP in 2014. All these have to be factored when arriving at arrears since 2006. Office of DPDO is under winding up process. The staff of cgda has come down from about 28000 to 19000. Since computerization has made things easier and all individual data is with cgda pensions, the office of DPDO will be wound up slowly. Some sort of help desks will come up which are easily accessible where just the problem is fed and the pcda will answer the query.
Brig Inder Mohan Singh

(Source- Via gp e-mail from Col Latif Vadakkayil (Retd)

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