Recently Indian Railway started the facility of providing travel insurance to it’s passengers. Let us see the features, benefits and how to buy the Indian Railway’s Rs.10 Lakh Travel Insurance online.
This facility is available only to Indian Citizens. Hence, citizens of foreign countries are not eligible. This travel insurance is not available for the kids aged below 5 years of age.This facility is available only when you book tickets online. This travel insurance is optional. Hence, you are free to opt it while booking tickets. However, if you opted this travel insurance, then it will be compulsory for all passengers booked under the single PNR.The Premium is Rs.0.92 (Means 92 paise) per passenger (inclusive of all taxes). Once you buy this travel insurance, then the passengers will receive the policy information through SMS and on their registered email IDs directly from Insurance Companies along with the link for filling nomination details.
However, Policy number can be viewed from Ticket booked history at IRCTC Page. Once you book the ticket, the nomination details to be filled at respective Insurance Company site. If nomination details are not filled, then the settlement will be made with legal heirs, if the claim arises. The scheme offers travelers or their families compensation of up to Rs 10 lakh in the event of death or permanent total disability, Rs 7.5 lakh for permanent partial disability, up to Rs 2 lakh for hospitalization expenses and Rs 10,000 for transportation of mortal remains in the event of death or injury from a train accident or other ‘untoward incident’ including terrorist attacks, dacoity, rioting, shoot-out or arson, as well as for short termination, diverted route and Vikalp trains.
Train accident and untoward incident cases will be as per definition under Sections 123 read with Sections 124 and 124A of the Railways Act, 1989. The claims intimation should be immediate but not later than four months after the event. The insurance company will process the claim and send the cheque within 15 days of the receipt of document. In case of cancellation of tickets, IRCTC will make an automatic refund of the premium amount after deduction of administrative charges to the passenger on the same account that was used to book the ticket.
We at gconnect team feel, 92 paisa is not a big deal. Hence, gconnect suggests, all of Indian Railway travelers to chose this option and get the benefit of Indian Railway’s Rs.10 Lakh travel insurance.
Thanks for sharing the blog, seems to be interesting and informative too. Travel Insurance