Disability pension - A few beneficial provisions with respect to disability pension(DP) - Indian Military Veterans

May 25, 2017

Disability pension - A few beneficial provisions with respect to disability pension(DP)

Dear Veterans/ Friends,

I have started law practice in Hon'ble Supreme Court , Delhi High Court and Armed Forces Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi ) with a well established and experienced Advocate . While practicing military law, I have come to know a few beneficial provisions with respect to disability pension(DP) which I would like to share with you all as follows:-

1. If DP sanctioned is less than 50% it can be rounded off to 50 % . if between 50-75 to 75% and 75-100 to 100%.

2. If the Disability assesed by the Release Medical Board is less than 20 % and is not sanctioned by the Competent Authority, it can be claimed by following a due process.

3. Even if the Disability is held to be neither attributed nor aggravated due to military service during Release Medical Board, it can be claimed by following a due process.

4. If retired in S1A1 Med Cat and some problem occurs within 07 years of retirement and there is a medical document to show that this problem originated while in service, DP can be claimed by following a due process.

5. All service personnel who retire from service on superannuation /completion of engagement term/PMR with disability are eligible for DP.

6. Medically Board out is not a necessary condition to claim DP. If retired with disability on superannuation /completion of engagement term/PMR, it is considered as medically boarded out for the purpose of DP.

7. If a person is getting DP, he is exempted from paying Income Tax on the entire service pension.

We provide legal assistance in *all service matters including DP*.

Contact for consultation and necessary assistance.
Mobile 9873103881/
email shaktijaidwal@yahoo.co.in

With best wishes.
Cdr Shakti Jaidwal ( Retd)

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