Our Tamil grandmother Olavaiyar is telling how beautiful - So many things to spoil? - Indian Military Veterans




Capt KS Ramaswamy

Apr 17, 2022

Our Tamil grandmother Olavaiyar is telling how beautiful - So many things to spoil?

So many things to spoil?

Our Tamil grandmother Olavaiyar is telling how beautiful

we will know


01) Unseen crop damage.

02) The child is harmed by affection.

03) Unsolicited debt is bad.

04) The relationship deteriorates when asked.

05) Unseen wealth spoils,.

06) Thekittin will spoil the party.

07) Uneducated education is detrimental.

08) Immoral life spoils.

09) Non-affiliation spoils the relationship.

10) Erotic name and bad,.
11) Unwanted friendships spoil.
12) Nayamilla say and spoil.
13) A child who does not rebuke will be harmed.
14) Debt can ruin your life.
15) Divorce,.
16) Money breaks the peace.
17)Ciṉamikuntāl aṟimugam kedum.
18) Unthinking action is bad.
19) Zombie stunts growth.
20) Selfless work spoils.
21) Mokital system damage.
22) Improper relationship can also be detrimental.
23) Fear spoils heroism.
24) Ignorance leads to results.
25) Plowed land also spoils.

26) Inactive body and damage,.

27) Non-pumping well spoils.

28) Nature destroys the country and spoils it.

29) Illalilla dynasty spoils.

30) Merciless man spoils,.

31) Abstinence from the rope.

32) Unsupported life spoils.

33) Restless old age spoils.

34) Immoral Pendir spoils.

35) Unbridled desire,.

36) Fear the coward.

37) Untargeted travel spoils.

38) Desire corrupts the heart.

39) Unrealistic love spoils.

40) The unconscious race is also spoiled

 41) Special spoils when wealth goes.

42) The name will be tarnished if the word is mispronounced.
43) Unprovoked wandering damage.
44) Spoil and spoil the text.
45) Unripe wood spoils,.
46) If it is deforested, it will rain badly.
47) If the mark deviates, the hunt will be ruined.
48) If you see the crime will damage the circuit.
49) Non-residential house will be damaged.
50) Poverty will ruin everything.
51) Unwashed Mani spoils.
52) Food spoils if it gets cold.
53) False beauty spoils.
54) Falsehood brings disgrace.
55) Impulsive youthfulness,.
56) Success will be spoiled if kicked

57) Sleep deprivation spoils the night.

58) Sleep deprivation during the day.

59) Inattentive action is detrimental.

60) Unintentional writing spoils,.


What if you know these 60s too?

Our lives will never be the same



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