Empanelment of 61 hospitals / nursing homes and diagnostic centres for ECHS - Indian Military Veterans

Aug 16, 2022

Empanelment of 61 hospitals / nursing homes and diagnostic centres for ECHS

Indian Military Veterans

DESW : Empanelment of hospitals / nursing homes and diagnostic centres for ECHS

No. 228 (08)2022-D(WE/Res-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Dept of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

New Delhi the 29 July, 2022


The Managing Director
Central Organisation, ECHS
Thimayya Marg
Near Gopinath Circle Delhi Cantt – 10


1. I am directed to state that in terms of the provisions of Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 228(04)/201 O/US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011, 228(02)/2013/ US(WE)D(Res) dated 18 Oct 2013, 228(02)/2013/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 24 Feb 2015 and 228(02)/2020/WE/D(Res-1) dated 30 Jan 2020, it has now been decided by the 35th Screening Committee Meeting for empanelment of Medical facilities with ECHS held on 07 July, 2022 under the chairmanship of MD ECHS to empanel 61 Private Hospitals/Nursing Homes and Diagnostic Laboratories for different specialities and procedures as per the list attached in the Annexure :-

Ser NoCityName of HospitalsAnnexure No
1.AhmadabadHCG Hospital (A unit of Healthcare Global Enterprises Pvt Ltd)Annexure 1.
2.AhmadabadModi Multispeciality Dental ClinicAnnexure 2.
3.AllahabadOrofacial Care CentreAnnexure 3.
4.AmbalaGuardian HospitalAnnexure 4.
5.BahadurgarhRJ Super Speciality HospitalAnnexure 5.
6.BathindaPunjab Cancer Care & Multispeciality Hospital, 8hatindaAnnexure 6.
7.BhavnagarHCG Hospital (A unit of Healthcare Global Enterprises Pvt Ltd)Annexure 7.
8.BhiwaniKadam Multispeciality Hospital (A unit of Kadam Healthcare Pvt Ltd)Annexure 8.
9.BilaspurKIMS Super Speciality Hospital Pvt LtdAnnexure 9.
10.CalicutMVR Cancer Center and Research lnstiturer (Care Foundation)Annexure 10.
11.CoimbatoreDr Agarwals Healthcare LtdAnnexure 11.
12.DehradunKanishk Surgical & Superspeciality HospitalAnnexure 12.
13.FaridabadQRG Medicare LtdAnnexure 13.
14.GhaziabadJeevan Jyoti HospitalAnnexure 14.
15.GurdaspurMahajan Hospital and Eye Care CentreAnnexure 15.
16.GurugramKriti HospitalAnnexure 16.
17.GurugramDental SavoursAnnexure 17.
18.GwaliorASG Hospital Pvt LtdAnnexure 18.
19.HisarSL Minda Memorial Hospital (Unit of Moga Devi Minda Charitable Trust)Annexure 19.
20.HisarSoni Burn & Plastic Surgery HospitalAnnexure 20.
21.HisarGuru Jambheshwar Multispeciality HospitalAnnexure 21.
22.HisarNC Jindal Institute of Medical Care and Research (A unit of NC Jindal Charitable Trust)Annexure 22.
23.HisarOP Jindal Institute of Medical Care and Reserarch (A unit of Om Savitri Jindal Charitable Society)Annexure 23.
24.IndoreSaluja Eye Care CenterAnnexure 24.
25.IndoreEye Site Eye Hospital & Retina CentreAnnexure 25.
26.JabalpurLaxmi Narayan HospitalAnnexure 26.
27.JaipurCKS Hospitals (A unit of CKS Medicare Pvt Ltd)Annexure 27.
28.JaipurHCG Hospital (A unit of Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd)Annexure 28.
29.JaipurRukmani Birla Hospital (A unit of Calcutta Medical Research Institute)Annexure 29.
30.JhunjhunuJaipur Heart and Multispeciality CantreAnnexure 30.
31.JhunjhunuRajiv HospitalAnnexure 31.
32.JhunjhunuDSM Multispeciality HospitalAnnexure 32.
33.JhunjhunuOxford HospitalAnnexure 33.
34.JodhpurDr Kamdar Eye HospitalAnnexure 34.
35.KolkataCentre for Sight Madhyamgram (A unit of New Delhi Centre for Sight Ltd)Annexure 35.
36.LucknowMayo Medical Centre Pvt LtdAnnexure 36.
37.MathuraGopi Krishna HospitalAnnexure 37.
38.NagaurASG Hospital Pvt LtdAnnexure 38.
39.New DelhiDeepali Eye CentreAnnexure 39.
40.New DelhiMGS Hospital (A unit of Bawa lnder Singh Charitable Trust)Annexure 40.
41.PanipatBajaj Eye CentreAnnexure 41.
42.PanipatDev Eye CareAnnexure 42.
43.PrayagrajNarayan Swaroop HospitalAnnexure 43.
44RewariVedanta HospitalAnnexure 44.
45.RohtakRohtak Nuclear Medcare LLPAnnexure 45.
46.SikarShri Ram Trauma and Super Speciality HospitalAnnexure 46.
47 .SikarNeuro Spine and Super Speciality HospitalAnnexure 47.
48 .SikarNeerja HospitalAnnexure 48.
49 .SirmourShri Sai Multi Speciality Hospital & Trauma CentreAnnexure 49.
50.SirsaVivek Eye HospitalAnnexure 50.
51.SonipatBhagwan Das Hospital (A unit of Bhagwan Das Khem Chand Memorial Educational Charitable Trust)Annexure 51.
52.Sri GanoanagarSri Jagdamba Charitable Eye HospitalAnnexure 52.
53.Tarn TaranRana HospitalAnnexure 53.
54.ThrissurI Vision Eye Hospital (A unit of JASM Eve Hospital Pvt Ltd)Annexure 54.
55.VadodraCentre for Sight (A unit of New Delhi Centre for Sight Ltd, Surat)Annexure 55.
56.VaranasiAvon Dental Clinical and HospitalAnnexure 56.
57.VisakhapatnamVijju Dental ClinicAnnexure 57.
58.VisakhapatnamSmile & Shine DentalAnnexure 58.
59.VisakhapatnamOmega Hospital (A unit of Vizag Speciality Hospital)Annexure 59.
60.VisakhapatnamApple International Dental Hospital (A unit of Apple Oral and Dental Pvt LtdAnnexure 60.
61.VisakhapatnamMedicover Hospital (A unit of Sahrudaya Health Care Pvt Ltd)Annexure 61.

2. All the terms and conditions including fixation of rates payable to empanelled hospitals will be regulated under Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 228(04)/2010/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011 and amended from time to time.

3. The rates for ECHS Hospital/Nursing Home, Dental Centres and Diagnostic Centres as approved by the Empowered Committee will be as per CGHS rates and will be notified by the Director, Regional Centre ECHS to all concerned including Polyclinics, SEMOs, CDA/PCDA and Central Organisation ECHS.

4. Empanelment of CGHS empanelled hospital is subject to this hospital providing proof of its being a CGHS empanelled facility as on the date signing of MoA with ECHS.

5. CGHS empanelled medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period for which the facilities hold valid CGHS. The MoA will be extendable once CGHS renew the MoA with the medical facilities.


NASH accredited medical facilities will be empanelled with ECHS for the period of validity of NABH certificate and the MoA will be renewed once the medical facility is issued revalidation/renewed NASH certificate.

(Dr. P P Sharma)
OSD (WE / I&C)
Tel 23015772

Source: www.desw.gov.in

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