Empanelment of FORTIS HOSPITALS LIMITED, Anandpur under CGHS, Kolkata for a period of 02 (Two) years w.e.f. 13th August 2022 - Indian Military Veterans

Aug 18, 2022

Empanelment of FORTIS HOSPITALS LIMITED, Anandpur under CGHS, Kolkata for a period of 02 (Two) years w.e.f. 13th August 2022

Indian Military Veterans

Empanelment of FORTIS HOSPITALS LIMITED, Anandpur under CGHS, Kolkata for a period of 02 (Two) years w.e.f. 13th August 2022

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Office of the Additional Director
Central Government Health Scheme
6, Esplanade East (Gr. Floor), Kolkata — 700 069.

No. St-532/CGHS/KOL/Empanel/FORTIS/2022/5879-5928

Date: 12th August 2022


Subject : Empanelment – Private Hospitals, Exclusive Eye Hospitals / Centers, Exclusive Dental Clinics, Cancer Hospitals / Units, Diagnostic Laboratories & Imaging Centers under Continuous Empanelment Scheme, 2017 under CGHS, Kolkata — reg.

In pursuance of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi Guidelines — 2017 as available on the website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi on the above mentioned subject (for Continuous Empanelment Scheme 2017) for empanelment of new Health Care Organizations (HCOs), it is hereby intimated that FORTIS HOSPITALS LIMITED, 730-Anandpur, E.M. Bypass, Kolkata – 700 107 has been empanelled under CGHS, Kolkata for a period of 02 (Two) years w.e.f. 13th August 2022 or till the validity of HCOs empanelled in 2014 & later on or till next empanelment whichever is earlier.

The Health Care Organizations (HCOs) who qualified for empanelment under CGHS, Kolkata have signed the Memorandum of Agreement with CGHS, Kolkata and submitted all other requisite documents and have accepted the rates of 2014 of CGHS, Kolkata uploaded in the website of CGHS, Kolkata.

A copy of this Office Memorandum along with a list of empanelled HCOs is placed on the website of CGHS, Kolkata (www.cghskolkata.nic.in).

Enclosure: – Services provided by the empanelled HCO.

(Additional Director)
CGHS Kolkata


The General Manager / Chief Executive Officer / Authorized Signatory
730-Anandpur, E.M. Bypass,
Kolkata – 700 107

Annexure to Order No. 51-532/ CGHS/ KOL/ Empanel/ FORTIS/ 2022/ 5879-5928 dated 12th August 2022


S.No.Name of HCOsAccreditationEmpanelled For
Empanelled HCOs
1.The General Manager / Chief Executive Officer / Authorized Signatory


730-Anandpur, E.M. Bypass,
Kolkata – 700 107

NABHClinical services â€“ Anesthesiology, Cardiology – Invasive & Non invasive, Cardiothoracic Surgery including Heart Transplant Clinical Hematology Critical & Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Gastroenterology (Medical), General Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery including minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery. Nephrology including dialysis and Rental Transplant, Neurosurgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement & Arthroscopic Surgery.

Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatrics including Neonatology, Respiratory Medicine, Urology, Laboratory Services, Clinical Biochemistry, Clinical Microbiology & Serology, Clinical Pathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Histopathology .

Diagnostic Services â€“ 2D, Echo, Audiometry, CT Scan, DSA Lab., EEG, EMG / EP, Endoscopy and Bronchoscopy, Holter Monitoring, MR! Scan, Spirometry, tread Mill Testing (TMT), Ultrasound, Urodynamic studies, X-ray, Transfusion services,

Transfusion services â€“ Blood bank including Blood Transfusion services, Professions Allied to Medicine, Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Support services, Pharmacy


Additional Director)
CGHS Kolkata

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