How to download EPPO - Indian Military Veterans

Jan 16, 2023

How to download EPPO

Dear Veterans, ,
Many Army Officers saying that they did not their E-PPO or E-PPO contains incorrect data like wife's date of birth only shows year of birth 1965 and not in dd/mm/yyyy format. There are two reasons for this.
First is the software of SPARSH is faulty hence glitches do come up. These will be resolved by May 2023. At times you will find dummy data in your wife's date of birth if you are migrated to SPARSH and in PDV. So not to worry. 
 Here to guide you.
Second is through route of *RODRA (MP - 5)*, MP Directorate, Adjt Gen's Branch, Army HQ for Army Officers.
 You got to register with RODRA by which you get user name and password. Store them in a book. 

What I have seen is E-PPO is made only after MP - 5 (RODRA) for Army Officers and similar organisations for Navy and IAF send the particulars of Officers to PCDA (Pensions). RODRA collects details  for Army Officers and in turn send them to PCDA (Pensions) Prayagraj.
 The details of Army officers retired sent is: 
(a) Mobile no,
 (b) Aadhar No,
 (c) Date of birth of wife, (d)Email address, 
(e) Details of Children and dependent parents with ages and other data which is generally not given in PPO and is not available with PCDA (Pensions) Prayagraj. If you see old PPO and E-PPO you will find many additions in the later. 
Therefore all Army Officers should go to RODRA through Google and register themselves. 
I will explain in simple steps how you can get your E-PPO without approaching any one,. 
, *Step 1*. Go to RODRA through Google or type in your computer browser **.
*Step2*. You see the tab Sign in. Get yourself registered by clicking on tab SIGN IN. You will be asked to enter your user name and password .Store them in a book for future reference.
*Step3*. After getting user name and password click tab *Log In*. It will ask for your service number without suffix (IC27501). Enter Catchpa and if registered then click on *Log In*. 
VTYou see a Lt Col from Rajput Regt with beautiful headgear saluting.  Enter your Service Number without suffix (IC27501), your password and Catchpa. So far so good. A message comes saying *Your Log in successful*.
*Step 4*. You see nine menus. 
Click menu *Downloads*.
 You see at extreme right PPOs/Form 16. 
Click on PPOs. 
You will be shown one or two PPOs. I have got two E-PPOs. One is without date of birth of my wife. Second one is date of birth of my wife. 
Click on the E-PPO with date of birth of your spouse. 
Download the E-PPO. In case you do not find your wife's date of birth go to menu *Edit Basic Details*. Earlier RODRA gave you a form in which you are required to get confirmation from your bank that you are an account holder, enter your wife's name and her date of birth and submit a proof of her date of birth like ECHS card or
 passport or 
matric certificate or marriage certificate
 if it contains date of birth or driving licence. 
RODRA sends these details to PCDA (Pensions) after checking your wife's date of birth as per Army records. Then only you will be able to edit your wife's date of birth.
*If you do all these things correctly, 
It appears to be daunting in the beginning but with one or two attempts you will be successful.

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