Important letter from Exservicemen M N Rao, M.Com., LL.B., LL.M., MBA., CAIIB., PGDJ.,(Practicing Senior Advocate including at Armed Forces Tribunals) - Indian Military Veterans

Feb 4, 2023

Important letter from Exservicemen M N Rao, M.Com., LL.B., LL.M., MBA., CAIIB., PGDJ.,(Practicing Senior Advocate including at Armed Forces Tribunals)

Dear our well learned Friends 
Good Afternoon 

I have already posted the undermentioned information in several other WhatsApp groups yesterday itself, I am reproducing herewith for your kind information to all of you and solicit your valuable suggestions for the benefits our community 

Dear Friends

Good Evening to all of you 


PCDA Cir No:666 dt 20 Jan 2023 
Enclosure of Tables :

It is very right and high time and golden opportunity for us ie other than Officers , to agitate and fight against the injustice done ☑️ to 95% strong 💪🏿 Armed Forces Personnel and families of us.

One must understand that this dirty secret deal was perpetrated at the behest of high ranking officers in collusion with the Bureaucrats— as these High Ranking Army Officers and Bureaucrats are close relatives each other and bosom friends in all give and take activities— and 

either PM or DM or FM are not aware of the actual fraudulent calculations prepared by these two Crooks—

1. In 1973, the Indira Gandhi-led Government terminated the OROP model. Also, the Third Pay Commission reduced the pensions of soldiers while increasing the pensions of civilians.

We want justice from 1973 when bloody late Indira Khan reduced our pension from 75% to 50%— WE DEMAND RESTORATION of our Right and Nobody can take away even by passing any bill in Parliament….

2. We Demand OROP-1 to be at 3.5 not 2.57 as miscalculated 

3. OROP-2 to be at 4 as the INFLATION is at the highest sky level 

4. Family pension must be 100% of Service Pension not acceptable 30%

5. The enhanced rate of pension must be from the age of 61 years instead of 80 years with 20% after every 5 years including Family pension 

6. More …

M N Rao, M.Com., LL.B., LL.M., MBA., CAIIB., PGDJ., 

Ex- Serviceman 


8. Indian Bank Manager (Retd-VRS)

9. Practicing Senior Advocate including at Armed Forces Tribunals

10. Lecturer in Law & Asst Professor in Business Management 

11. One of the Founder Members and All India President/Secretary General AIEXBEF & NEXCC 

12. Founder and Secretary General of AIEXCC 

13. E-in-C, Publisher, All India Circulation English Monthly Bulletin: “Hindustan Maji Sainik”/ “Indian Ex-Soldiers Informative Bulletin” Regd with RNI New Delhi 

Many more..


With High Regards 

14. Note: today my pension was credited by SPARSH with an additional amount of Rs.3,112/- 
I do not know the details of this additional amount.

15. For the information of our Bulletin Subscribers that I have placed in our January 2023 Volume-108- ‘INDIAN EX SOLDIERS INFORMATIVE BULLETIN’ the PCDA Cir No 666 dt 20 Jan 2023 and the Govt Notification but without 2 Tables 7 & 8 as the Govt admitted that there are mistakes had been erupted and will be rectified in due course, which will be despatched as usual on Govt allotted fixed dates of 6 & 7 Feb.

With Best wishes

16. More importantly I would like to share my feelings with you all that it is our foolishness to blame the Govt why bcz we all know that OUR CATEGORY ie other than Officers is VERTICALLY DIVIDED. “ NO UNITY AMONG US, ALL ARE SELF-STYLED or SELF-PROCLAIMED LEADERS— SPLITTED into thousands of useless groups/ sticks by forming mushrooms 🍄 as Household business— even a Recruit without any Qualifications, Knowledge, Experience, Credentials 🪪 declaring himself as Chairman, Secretary General etc., also involving several anti social activities— without any worth full contributions to our Esm Society. Unless This pandemic situation is checked/censored or banned, I say that we will not get any our rightful benefits from the Govt, Govt means right from Panchayat administration to Parliamentary Govt. 

17. Therefore, keeping in view of the above real facts I sincerely appeal you all “ DISBAND/DISSOLVE ALL YOUR ESM ORGANISATIONS-ASSOCIATIONS- SOCIETIES-FEDERATIONS-UNITS- etc., etc immediately so as to come under ONE UMBRELLA ☂️ON ONE PLATFORM, so that we can dictate our terms to the Government as other Employees like Railways 🚃 following as VOTE-BANKERS..

One Esm Organisation 

Jai Hind! Jai Jawan! Jai Bharat 🇮🇳


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