PCDA Issued Corrigendum PPO : OROP Revision Started - Indian Military Veterans

Feb 17, 2023

PCDA Issued Corrigendum PPO : OROP Revision Started

PCDA Issued Corrigendum PPO : OROP Revision Started

Lakhs of Defence pensioners have received Corrigendum PPO in Feb 2023 and  their pension increased as per  OROP New Table 2023.  A sample copy of the Revised Corrigendum PPO is given below for reference:

Message from SPARSH to SBI & other banks

Pre – Jul 2014 pensioners only will get arrears of OROP-II and enhanced pension due to OROP -II by mid Feb 2023. Post – Jul 2014 pensioners have to wait some more time as fresh PPOs are to be issued.

1.     No arrears paid on account of OROP -II  yet by Defence Pension authority.   
2.    Pension for 4.5 L pensioners revised by  PCDA through SPARSH System till 31 Jan 2023.   Remaining most of the pensioners got their corrigendum by 15 February.   So, some pensioners have already received more pension than previous months on 31 Jan 2023.  Remaining Who have received Corrigendum ppo by 20 Feb 2023, will get revised and increased pension

3.    Arrears likely to be paid by end of February 2023 to most of the pensioners. PCDA will take attempt  to complete it by mid-February.  No effect of any court case is there.  As you know that IESM has filed a case (MA) in the Appex Court recently demanding payment of entire arrears of OROP at one time and NOT in four installment.

4 .   For Banks PCDA has instructed :  instructions being issued to pay arrears to Retirees of pre 2014 (means OROP1).  In case of post 2014 pensioners,    fresh PPO will be issued soon and it will take some time

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