Total Arrears of Pension of JCOs / OR of Gp – Y who are War injured but Retained in the Service, - Indian Military Veterans

Feb 4, 2023

Total Arrears of Pension of JCOs / OR of Gp – Y who are War injured but Retained in the Service,

1.  Total Arrears of Pension of JCOs / OR of Gp – Y  who are War injured but Retained in the Service, worked out by Brig Vidyasagar, our Chief Mentor are attached for your information.

2.      As explained in my earlier emails, war injured are of two types. One is War injured but Retained in the Service and the other is War Injured and Invalided out of Service.

3.      The War injured are given pension higher than normal disabled soldiers as shown below:-

(a)    War Injured But Retained In Service. Disability Element (DE) is 60% of their Last Reckonable Emoluments (LRE) if war injury is assessed at 100%. For lesser percentage like 75% and 50%, the DE is proportionately reduced.  LRE = 2 x pension. Therefore, such soldiers get DE is 0.90 x pension and for 50% injury, DE is 60% . They get Service Element (SE) in addition.

(b)    War Injured and Invalided out of the Service.  Such soldiers are given DE higher than War Injured but Retained in Service. It is 100% of Last Reckonable Emoluments (LRE) if injury is 100%. For lesser percentages like 75% and 50% the DE is proportionately reduced. As LRE is 2 x pension for 100% injury, for 75% it is 1.50 x pension and for 50% injury it is 0.60 x pension. The War injured soldiers will get Service Element (SE) in addition to DE.

4.      The total pension i.e SE + DE is worked out and Total Arrears from Jul 2019 to Dec 2019 for JCOs / OR of Gp – Y is displayed.

The table is given below :-

Kindly click the below link to download the Table please. 

Total Arrears of Pension of JCOs / OR of Gp – Y who are War injured but Retained in the Service,

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