Cabinet Approval of OROP-3 and the Reality of the New Table - Indian Military Veterans




Capt KS Ramaswamy

Jul 12, 2024

Cabinet Approval of OROP-3 and the Reality of the New Table

Indian Military Veterans

Cabinet Approval of OROP-3 and the Reality of the New Table

The Reality and Decision of the OROP-3 Meeting

Did something similar happen as I read on social media, that is, that the Cabinet approved OROP-3 on July 3, 2024? Is it true that information came out at this meeting that the table is ready? If so, how much will the pension be increased? How much will the basic pension be? And how much will your total pension amount be? As you may have noticed on social media, you may have received information that there was a meeting on OROP3 on July 5, 2024. During this meeting, some information came to light which is now spreading fast on social media. Yes, I got this information from 4-5 places on WhatsApp. Some YouTube channels are also claiming it.

since this information is publicly available on YouTube, I thought I should leave this information in front of you all. I will also tell you about the table number. How much pension will be accumulated in your account at 50% DR when OROP3 is introduced in your account either in July, August or September. Friends, I will also talk about that.

to social media messages (however, no such press release or notification has been issued by the government so far), it is said that the table is ready. But in reality, there is still a delay. Yes, friends. This meeting, reported on social media via WhatsApp, took place on July 5, 2024. At this meeting, information emerged that the table was ready. This table was also presented at the Government Cabinet meeting on July 3, 2024.

However, there are some ambiguities in these tables, and due to anomalies, these tables were not announced on the day. We do not confirm this information, but such information was revealed on social media. This means that the table has been reverted to this value.

We will fix the ambiguity. And the table will be published very soon, in the second or third week of July. If you talk about this, spread the word on social media. We will also introduce this message later.

are some important things in there. Here we go. This means that the table has been returned because it is ambiguous. What's the next point? Well, maybe we can launch it next week. This table could be published next week. This was also said in the same message. And my friend, NEXCC, the National Ex-Servicemen Coordinating Committee, that committee held a meeting. There were five representatives from ex-combatants. There isn't much information about it.

the information that has come out says there were five representatives. And DESW was also represented. DIAVKV, OIC, CDS had this meeting with them.

topics were discussed there too. There was a Q&A on Agnivir. The topic of ORP3 was also discussed there. So, I received a message about this discussion. This time I will explain it through this message.
things are written above. CDS arrived around 2pm. And this meeting took place at DIAV. And, guys, I will explain some important points about ORP3. As you can see, CDS also released a short report on ORP3. So, a short report on ORP3. He gave us a little bit of information. And what did he convey in this information? First of all, ORP3 was approved by the Cabinet on July 3, 2024. However, due to some abnormality, it was not announced. What a big deal.

means that the Cabinet approved ORP3 on July 3, 2024. Very good information. However, I will not confirm this information. Because this information came via WhatsApp. I received this WhatsApp message from about five different places. That's why I'm sharing it with you today. And this WhatsApp information was approved by the Cabinet on July 3rd.

Cabinet approved it. But it was not released because there are some anomalies in the table. Come on, friends. The second point is that PCDA and CGDA have said that the table will be released next week. However, PCDA and CGDA have been instructed to release the table next week. Just three organisations were enough to solve the ESM issue. Why 5? This means that there are only three organisations represented. So why 5? The answer is "these are recognised by the Ministry of Defence" which means that all the representatives of these organisations are ex-military. They are recognized by the Indian government. They are represented by organizations that are recognized by the Indian government. So, nothing can be done about it. They will come. So there have been some conversations here. That's it. That's all there is to talk about. And most importantly, friends. And this is what came out of it. Due to a communication error, the OROP3 table was returned. This table could be coming soon. If this is true, OROP3 will be available very soon.

that could be July, August, or September. Whenever we get it, we'll get it very soon. Such a possibility is clear. So here we go. I'll explain later. So I've created a table here. And I've got the whole value. And what does my calculation show? The tables you see on social media show an increase of Rs 1,600, Rs 2,000, Rs 3,000. But I don't think so, friends. In OROP3 there is such an increase. I don't believe it. Why can't I believe it? Because there are no major changes in OROP2 and OROP3. OROP2 was granted in 2018. It is based on the pension of pensioners.
And OROP3 will be given on the basis of the pension of the pensioner of 2023.

In the meantime, despite the increase in the DA, Think what is bigger than that. Is there anything big? There was no pay commission in the middle. No DA was merged. No such things have happened. Because of which there will be a lot of increase in OROP3 instead of OROP2. I don’t believe this. But the figures I gave from my side in the last video. On the basis of the same figures, I will explain later. How much your basic pension can be.

If there is a basic pension of ₹ 18,807. So how many chances do they have to become a basic pension? In OROP3. What does my calculation say? I told you last time too. 5 to 7% increase. And that increase will be very low in JCOs. Because the JCOs that are running in the negative first. In OROP2. He has to come in the middle first. Have to come in equal. Then have to go to positive. Then there will be an increase. How much can be basic pension ? It depends on your rank, length of service. ORP2 pension.

How much basic can be made in ORP3. And the difference between this and this. And in total in your account. How much money will come. According to 50% DR. So now we hope. That the government declares as soon as possible.
And implement it from July. T

Thge above Information is found in social media. It is possible that it may be implemented. By the way, we cannot say guaranteed that it will be implemented. But we hope that from July. We will get ORP3 pension.

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