Increase in the rank wise pension of Commissioned Officers from 1.1.2006 up to the date of implementation of OROP III wef 1.7.2024:- Pcda P - Indian Military Veterans




Capt KS Ramaswamy

Sep 8, 2024

Increase in the rank wise pension of Commissioned Officers from 1.1.2006 up to the date of implementation of OROP III wef 1.7.2024:- Pcda P

Increase in the rank wise pension of Commissioned Officers from 1.1.2006 up to the date of implementation of OROP III wef 1.7.2024:- Pcda P
Circular No 453 wef 1.1.2006 based on the half of the minimum of pay scale of each rank. Worked out based on the maximum period of  Qualified service for 33 years
Lt  13500
Capt 13850
Maj 14100
Lt Col (TS)  25700
Lt Col  25700
Col TS 26050 
Brig 26150
Maj Gen 26700
Lt Gen 35500
VCOAS  40000
COAS     45000

Revised  minimum guaranteed rate of pension of pre 2006 retirees applicable wef  24. 9.2012 as per Pcda P Allahabad circular No 500. Effective date changed later on wef 1.1.2006 instead of 24.9.2012.
Lt     15465
Capt 16145
Major 18205
Lt Col (TS) 26265
Lt Col          26265
Col.     27795
Brig.    29145
Maj Gen. 30350
Lt Gen.  36500
VCOAS.  40000
COAS.     45000

Revised rate under OROP  I wef 1.7.2014 based on the half of the average of minimum and maximum of the last pay drawn of each rank in the year 2023. Pcda P Allahabad circular No 555 (Table No 1)
Lt.  16160
Capt 17010
Maj 23815
Lt Col ( TS)  34765
Lt Col.           34765
Col (TS).    36130    
Col.             36130
Brig.            37570
Maj Gen.     38763
Lt Gen.         39500
Lt Gen(HAG) 40000
LT Gen(Army Cdr) 40000
VCOAS.     40000
COAS         45000

7 th CPC wef 1.1.2016 based on the existing pension into 2.57 multiplication factor.
Lt.  41532
Capt 43716
Major  61205
Lt Col (TS) 89346
Lt Col.         89346
Col (TS).     92854
Col.              92854
Brig.              96555
Maj Gen.       99621
Lt Gen.          101515
Lt Gen(HAG) 102800
Lt Gen (Army Cdr)
VCOAS. 102800
COAS.    115650

Revised rate under OROP II wef 1.7.2019 as per PCDA P Allahabad Circular No 666 based on the half of the average of minimum and maximum of pay last drawn in the year 2018.
Lt    41200
Capt. 43675
Maj     68550
Lt Col(TS)
Lt Col.  95400
Col(TS) and Col
Brig.    108800
Man Gen 109100
Lt Gen      112050
Lt Gen(HAG) 112200
Lt Gen(Army Cdr) 
VCOAS.   112500
COAS.       125000

Revised rate of pension under OROP III  wef 1.7.2024 based on the half of average of minimum and maximum of pay last drawn in the year 2023.
Lt 46300
Capt 46300
Maj 66800
Lt Col(TS)  Lt Col  110850
Col ( TS ) 114125
Col  115700
Brig to VCOAS   116550 same rate.
COAS 125000.

Those officers service is less than the maximum qualified service  shown in the tables can very the their  actual rate of pension admissible from the respective Circulars shown above.

     Difference in the pension between OROP II and OROP III of each rank is indicated below:-
   There is a possibility of error in the rate of pension and typing/calculation  mistake and if any noticed the same be kindly be corrected as per actual entitlement.
  Lt  46300  -41200 = 5100
Capt   46300 - 43675 = 2625
Maj. 688550. - 66800 - 1750 (Minus)
Lt Col TS and Lt Col 
110850. - 94000 = 16850 ( to be rechecked for accuracy due to vast difference)
Col TS and Col
114125. - 105175 = 8950
Brig  116550. - 109100  = 7450
Maj Gen.  116550  - 109100 = 7450
Lt Gen
116550 - 112050. = 4500
Lt Gen (HAG)
116550  - 112200 = 4350
Lt Gen (Army Cdr)
116550  - 112500. = 4050
VCOAS  116550  - 112500  = 4050
COAS  125000  - 125000.  NIL.

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