How to apply for Birth Certificate - Know How - Indian Military Veterans


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May 3, 2018

How to apply for Birth Certificate - Know How

Indian Military Veterans

Birth Certificate is said to the most important document issued by the government that gives information about your child such as date of birth, place, gender etc.
Why birth certificate is required :-

The birth certificate plays a crucial role especially when you are applying for admission in schools or college, hospital benefits and more. It also helps in establishing property and inheritance claims. 

As per ‘Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1969, it is mandatory to register your child’s birth. This needs to be done within 21 days from the birth of your child. Issuing of birth certificate may not be the same throughout the country. While most of the hospitals take care of the entire procedure for you, at times you may be required to apply for the certificate.

Parents birth ceritifcates ,Marriage certificate of the parents Proof of birth letter in hospital Parents’ identity proof (for verification)

How to register the birth of your child

Once the hospital issues the letter stating all the details of your child’s birth, next you need to do is to do the registration. You need to fill the registration form given by the registrar nearest to you.

Once filled, you need to submit the form in the office of the local authorities.

The authorities will then do a proper verification with the hospital.

Then, you need to visit the nearest District Statistical Officer and then check the deatils of your registration.

You need to pay Rs 5 for the copy of the certificate in the statistical office.

Source: Click here

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