OROP II - GREAT INJUSTICE TO JCOS/OR - Detailed letter by Brig C S VIDYASAGAR - Indian Military Veterans

Feb 5, 2023


Dear Sir, 
1.   Some of the members of TSEWA who are JCOs / OR retired in the period Jul 2014 to Dec 2015 has found that they do not get any benefit in OROP-II. Though their pension is NOT reduced they feel they also should have got some increase in pension as it was given to those who retired till Jun 2014. 

You may know that only those who retired till Jun 2014 are given benefit of OROP i.e. to hike the pension of those retired in calendar year 2013 whose pension is below Average to Average. Many of such JCOs whose pension in 2013 is below average got benefit of Rs 2,000 to 3,000 pm (as their pension which was Below Average was hiked to Average). But this benefit was not given to those retired in the period Jul 2014 to Dec 2015.

2.   You can see many such JCOs / OR drew pension less than those retired till Jun 2014 when the pension in Dec 2015 was multiplied by fitment factor of 2.57 of 7th CPC to arrive at pension w.e.f. Jan 2016. Such Post Jul 2014 pensioners do not get any benefit in OROP - II from Jul 2019. This is bound to generate discontentment in such JCOs / OR.

3.    The National Executive Committee (NEC) tasked  me to make a presentation on Highs and Lows of OROP - II from Jul 2019 on next NEC meeting on 04 Feb 2023. Pursuant orders received from NEC, I like a good soldier, struggled all these 15 days and made a presentation to NEC on 04 Feb 2023. The NEC took the following decisions on thorough discussion over almost two and half hours :-

      (a) Make a detailed letter  to be sent to Hon'ble Raksha Mantri and Min of Def (ESW) to remove this disparity to post Jun 2014 pensioners.

     (b)  if no positive response comes within 30 days on receipt of our letter, President TSEWA will get in touch with our advocate in AFT Delhi to seek his
     legal opinion on this case. If he approves our proposal,  then file a case in AFT Delhi. President, TSEWA will then seek petitioners to join the proposed legal
    case by fixing an affordable legal fees to JCOs / OR depending upon their rank.

4.    NEC directed me to make the paper to be sent to Hon'ble Raksha Mantri by 06 Feb 2023 and all members of NEC to give additional inputs to me. I have made a 7 page paper to be sent to Hon'ble Raksha Mantri and Min of Def (ESW) with all calculations referring to Circular 555, Circular 666, Min of Def letter dated 20 Jan 2023 which gives 121 tables of OROP - II and Army Pay Rules 2017. I took an example of Subedar / MCPO - II / WO retired in the period of Jul 2014 to Dec 2015. The paper is attached. You are requested to kindly go through my paper and then offer you comments by end of 05 Feb 2023 to me. Your inputs will make our representation to Hon'ble Rakshsa Mantri and Min of Def (ESW) better than what I could do.

warm regards, 
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)

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