Functioning of SPARSH - By Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd) - Indian Military Veterans




Capt KS Ramaswamy

May 18, 2024

Functioning of SPARSH - By Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)

Indian Military Veterans

Dear  Sir,

We have been in touch with each other.

TSEWA receives every day a flood of complaints about non functioning SPARSH.
Lt Gen Bansi Ponnappa, the Adjt Gen spoke to me on 14 May 2024 when I was in Prayagraj. I gave them a list of problems the veterans are facing in SPARSH.
He accepts that SPARSH has endemic problems which Army HQ is trying its best to resolve by having periodical meetings in Min of Def (ESW), CGDA, TCS and Service HQ. 

TCS which has been dragging its feet has now sent a team of four middle level employees who will improve the functioning of SPARSH which he says should have been done some time back. This is a consequence of flagging the present dismal state of SPARSH to the CEO of TCS.

He assures SPARSH will stabilise in one year's time.

He also requested me to send any grievances any pensioner has in periodical intervals say once a quarter and he will do whatever he can to redress these grievances. He also told me that he will tell senior officers in the MP Directorate to get in touch with me.

He suggested SPARSH is here to stay whether we like it or not. SPARSH is not likely to be scrapped as crores have been sunk to make SPARSH. Therefore he suggested we need to develop cordial relations with SPARSH and TCS. Confrontation with them by going to Courts of Law will not solve our problems.
In view of the above the idea of filing a PIL is dropped for the time being. 
If things do not improve even after giving these worthies one year's time, then we can think of filing PIL.

SPARSH is a service delivery organisation so they are bound to render the services they have been promising so far but delivering very less.

It appears Def Accts Dept has become hostage to TCS which it appears is not cooperating.

We in T SEWA carried out a brainstorming session on SPARSH and finally we come to the conclusion that we need to bring pressure on TCS and SPARSH by flooding the Facebook, X (former Twitter), Instagram and lodging grievances in CPENGRAMS controlled by PMO with our grievances.

Let every pensioner who is suffering from SPARSH take help of social media and then SPARSH and TCS due to adverse publicity will wake up from deep slumber and do something to improve its functioning.

Let us give them some time to put their house in order.

Warm Regards,
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Retd)

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