Ex-Soldier Status of Disabled Recruits - Indian Military Veterans




Capt KS Ramaswamy

Aug 15, 2024

Ex-Soldier Status of Disabled Recruits

Indian Military Veterans

Ex-Soldier Status of Disabled Recruits

The nature of service of military personnel is completely different from that of other recruits working in the civil sector/ministry/offices. Every year many army recruits get sick and disabled during the gruelling training activities and lose their health. Indian Army personnel are highly esteemed in the society for the sacrifices they make for their motherland. Even in adverse circumstances, they perform the tasks and duties given to them without asking any questions. Mountains and deserts are no longer a barrier for them. The Government of India has introduced several welfare programmes for ex-servicemen, war widows and their families through the Directorate General of Ex-Servicemen Welfare and Kendriya Sainik Board. Recruits discharged from the Army due to disability during training also require financial assistance to live and earn a living with minimum respect.

discharged from the Army due to disability and entitled to sickness/disability pension will be recognised by the Government as ex-servicemen with effect from 1st February 2006, irrespective of the date of discharge from the Army.

a recruit is discharged from the Army due to disability, who is entitled to ex-serviceman status?
  • Recruits who have been released from Armed Forces due to disability occurred during training/induction and getting medical pension.
  • Authority of grant of ex-serviceman status to recruit are as under

(a)        Ministry of Defence, DESW letter No 12(1)2005/D (Res-I) dt 07 July 2014

(b)        Initially award of ESM status to recruits were given vide Ministry of Defence, DESW letter No 12(1)2005/D (Res-I) dt 18 march 2013

discharged from the Army due to disability occurring during training or induction and receiving medical pension.

Benefits of Veteran Status for Recruits

The recruits who have been granted ESM status will be capable to avil the following facilities :

  • Can avail Pension and pensionery benefits
  • Become member of ECHS
  • ESM Identity card
  • Discharge Book duly mentioned Exserviceman
  • Avail all KSB and DGR scheme benefits
  • CSD canteen card benefit
  • Reservation of Jobs in Ex-serviceman quota in Govt/PSU
  • All types of benefits and concession applicable to exservicemen

if a recruit who is discharged early on a medical pension wants to obtain veteran status?

Such medically released recruits may contact to Zila ainik Board/ Rajya Sainik Board or Kendriya Sainik Board to avail the benefit.

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